Tuesday 9 August 2011

What's happening to my (second) city? Absolutely pathetic...


Kaila said...

I've been wondering about you and my other friends in London. Are you all right?


Mya.L said...

Yes, thank you. It all happened around us, we're near all the North-Est districts which were badly damaged. The milliner I did my work experience with is very close to one of the Southern parts which has been badly hit. We are sad, angry, disgusted, but all right. I am not surprised by what happened, there might be reasons for them to have acted like that, but absolutely no excuse.

Kaila said...

I can't imagine what it's like being there, events like that happening in the city in which you live. To me here, it's so strange it happening in the land my mother is from, a place I know so well in some ways and don't know at all in other ways. My aunt who just died lived in Stepney since she moved there in the 1940s; my other aunt lives still in a sleepy little village in Dorset, quite removed from recent events. Thinking of you, Mya, and glad you're all right. Take care.